Ideas for Small Groups
“This has radically changed how I experience work.”… Jonathan
Monday Challenge small groups are innovative — resulting in working God’s way on Mondays! ….. simple to initiate, highly effective – making Monday the most inspired day of the week!

Lead your small groups to experience God’s purpose, peace and power in their work. God’s desire is that they Thrive at work, not merely survive!
Places to Lead Monday Challenge Small Groups
- Church
- Community
- Business
- Work Teams
- Friends
- University Ministries

Small group members will find the Monday Switch Kit 6 Session Study is not just a study which talks about how work could be – it takes them through the actual experience of Switching God ON over 6 consecutive Mondays. It is fun, video driven, interactive and biblically based. Just a few features include tracking each person’s Moan time, The Switch Quiz, fun videos, online components, Monday text alerts, small group activities, journaling personal change and
- The Monday Challenge is fulfilled by experiencing the Monday Switch Kit 6 Session Study
- Each group leader and small group member will need their own Monday Switch Kit
- You will need to schedule 6 one hour small group meetings – any day will do

Here’s what you will find inside each step of The Monday Challenge small group experience:
- OVERVIEW: This is a short concise teaching at the beginning of each session that will give everyone a good understanding of each step’s principles and highlights. Designed to be read by each small group member before the group meets.
- MONDAY CHECK-IN: A quick time to meet with others at the beginning of the small group meeting to track everyone’s progress
- SHOWTIME: The time to show the exciting session video (on DVD or stream on-line)
- WORKING IT OUT: A time to go a little deeper. Tackle these interactive questions. Some serious – some fun!
- SWITCH IT ON: This wraps up your group meeting with assignments to go do it right now. Prepare and practice for a better Monday on the job before meeting together again.

Set a Date
Pick 6 One Hour Switch Meetings –any Day Will Do
Plug In
Grab a Group, Friends, Coworkers
Start Session One
Read 10 Minute ‘Overview’, Watch ‘Showtime’ Mini Film, Track ‘Monday Moan’ Time, Do ‘Working it Out’ Questions, Play With Fun ‘Must-Do’ Interactive Tools, Use ‘Monday Journal Log’

- Identify where you will hold your Monday Challenge Small Group
- Use mostly FREE Downloads & Promotions to invite and get group members excited
- Purchase the number of Monday Switch Kits for your group
- Get started changing how you and your group experiences God in their work!
- Say Thank God It’s Monday!